all postcodes in L15 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L15 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L15 8AD 30 0 53.402422 -2.915885
L15 8AE 59 0 53.405081 -2.916138
L15 8AF 18 0 53.40454 -2.913945
L15 8AH 13 0 53.405021 -2.914467
L15 8AJ 40 0 53.402818 -2.91114
L15 8AL 47 0 53.401979 -2.910325
L15 8AN 45 0 53.401713 -2.9122
L15 8GA 33 0 53.403343 -2.916431
L15 8HA 74 0 53.398409 -2.922176
L15 8GB 22 0 53.398792 -2.910979
L15 8HB 72 0 53.39829 -2.919
L15 8HE 36 13 53.398968 -2.920789
L15 8HF 12 7 53.39862 -2.917893
L15 8HG 32 5 53.39882 -2.921402
L15 8HH 55 1 53.397246 -2.917924
L15 8HJ 3 1 53.397895 -2.918946
L15 8HL 49 0 53.396949 -2.916925
L15 8HP 17 0 53.398955 -2.916668
L15 8HQ 5 5 53.398275 -2.917254
L15 8HR 13 0 53.39926 -2.916764